Understand Type of SQL Commands

Type of SQL Commands SQL (Structure Query Language) is a language used to manage data that is stored in a structured format. This format is typically in the form of tables, which are made up of rows and columns.

Source: javapoint
SQL cheat sheet for the most common commands and functions:

Data Definition Language (DDL)
- CREATE TABLE: Creates a new table.
- ALTER TABLE: Modifies an existing table.
- DROP TABLE: Deletes a table.
- INSERT INTO: Inserts new rows into a table.
- DELETE FROM: Deletes rows from a table.
- UPDATE: Updates rows in a table.
Learn more about how to Create Table >> Video
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- SELECT: Selects rows from a table.
- WHERE: Filters rows based on a condition.
- ORDER BY: Sorts rows by a column.
- GROUP BY: Groups rows by a column.
- HAVING: Filters groups based on a condition.
Learn more SELECT Statement >> Video
Data Control Language (DCL)
- GRANT: Grants permissions to users.
- REVOKE: Revokes permissions from users.

Transaction Control Language (TCL)
- BEGIN: Starts a transaction.
- COMMIT: Commits a transaction.
- ROLLBACK: Rolls back a transaction.

Learn More Introduction to Database (SQL) in Khmer with videos: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Aggregate Functions
- COUNT: Counts the number of rows.
- SUM: Sums the values of a column.
- AVG: Calculates the average value of a column.
- MAX: Returns the maximum value of a column.
- MIN: Returns the minimum value of a column.
%: Matches zero or more characters.
_: Matches a single character.

Free Khmer Ebook Download (PDF): Database | Microsoft Access | Python Programming
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